“This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

Rooted in Christ. Evangelistic. Intentional.

About Us

Our Mission:
To equip and encourage others to daily live out their faith in Christ with reverence, surrender and boldness.

Our Focus Areas:
Disciple & Equip, Encourage & Build, Engage Community

“Have I not commanded you ? Be strong and courageous . Do not be afraid; do not
be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”

Joshua 1:9

“Boldly proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ”

 Acts 28:31

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a
sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7

Tiffany Lassiter

Passionate. Intentional. Resilient.

One conversation with Tiffany and it will not take long for you to understand what motivates this passionate leader. She has a heart-felt way of expressing God’s heartbeat to others leading many to call her “one of God’s strategic conduits.” For years, she has courageously reached beyond racial, political, denominational, and generational barriers to gather people for times of worship, prayer, and healing. In addition, she has traveled internationally to encourage and equip others. So far, Tiffany has traveled to the continent of Africa, where she visited countries such as Tanzania and Kenya. While in Brazil, her travels led her to Brasília and Salvador. This bold leader has indeed left her mark abroad and continues to forge ahead encouraging and inspiring the world and community around her. Tiffany roots are deep in evangelism, missions, and discipleship. Along with the BeFearless team, she is intentional about empowering and engaging others in the work of the Lord.

“My faith walk is deeply personal, and how I live my life is very important to me. Publicly and privately, I simply want God to be pleased. I assure you there is nothing glamourous about my journey.  But with every step, I am reminded to completely surrender and trust God. Daily confronting fears and pressing beyond my comfort zone. Standing strong in the One who has called me to this and leaning on Him for guidance. This is what “be strong. be bold. be fearless” is all about. Not just mere words, but divine instructions for us all. It’s daily trusting, surrendering, and confronting areas holding us back from walking out our obedience. Truly must be a lifestyle of serving boldly in and with Christ. For the reward of knowing the Lord intimately is far greater than the pain one must endure and the personal cost one must pay”

“Deep Dive” Leadership Team

Our virtual bible sessions are called “Deep Dive”. These virtual gatherings are focused on the intentional study of God’s word and understanding the world through the lens of Scripture. Participants are diverse and come from various states, with a desire to learn and grow together. As we explore and take a deeper dive, we can better understand our personal journey with God. These “Deep Dive” leaders assist Tiffany with our state-wide virtual community as we continue to focus on the ministry’s core areas: Disciple and Equip, Encourage and Build and Engage Community. If you would like to join this community of Deep Divers, contact us.
Kimry Dupree
Machon Banks
Prayer & Intercession
Lluvia Gonzalez
Technical Assistant

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